Scroll to see our lineup of 2024 SELF LIVE! classes!

We are SO excited to share the newest addition to SELF's lineup.
Welcome to SELF LIVE! 
During the pandemic we met so many new people who attended SELF's online events called Mayhem.  Some of those folx were not in a position to easily attend SELF in Atlanta. SELF wants to continue to include everyone and make quality classes available to all. We want to build the funds to help those folx attend SELF and anyone else who feels challenged by the expense of a package.

SELF LIVE will fund SELF Scholarships 100%. Every penny raised by SELF LIVE will go to help people who cannot get to SELF without assistance! We are thrilled to bring the quality and diverse education SELF offers to more folx. SELF LIVE will be on zoom and feature some of SELF's on site classes. Help us spread the word!

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Event page on Facebook

You will need to register for SELF LIVE

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Please keep your website login name and password handy. You will need those to obtain the connection information on the day of event. The information will be available on this link SELF LIVE Members that is accessible only by those who purchase this product. 

This package includes access to 2 zoom rooms. Physical on-site portions of the event are not included in this package.
Date/Time Class & Description
9:30 -10:45am

Consent, what else are we missing? - Luna Nebula
 Yes, I know I know, Luna, another class on consent? Yes, but with a twist. Do you ever feel like something is missing from the topic of consent and why doesn't it seem to be helping? Over the past couple of years I have spent time delving into personal development and have come to realize there are key factors that rely on us, as individuals to really enforce and encourage consent to functionally work. So come on out and see a different perspective. 

9:30 - 10:45am
The Arrogant slave - Danielle Grey
This discussion explores the struggle of an s type that has arrogant personality traits but also has the intense desire to be humbled. We’ll start with a lecture-style portion that focuses on Danielle’s personal journey as a springboard to an open discussion. This class is open to any person who has interest in participating in or listening to the discussion- D-types, s-types, and all those in between.
11:15 - 12:30pm
 Helping Professionals in the Lifestyle – Making space and holding boundaries - Rachel Anne & Heather-Leigh
 Kinky therapists, polyamorous psychologists, dominant doctors, queer chiropractors, masochistic massage therapists, caregiver CNAs… So many of us are both kinky, and also work in spaces where we take on a helping role. This discussion time is set aside for talking about how to manage relationships with differing roles and boundaries, all of which need time, attention, and intention. How do we do it all, and what do we keep for our selves?
11:15 - 12:30pm
 Moments That Matter: Curating Meaning & Magic - Beast & echo
 Sometimes, everything comes together just right to create a perfect moment; one that shapes our life, provides direction and meaning, or cements a lasting memory. Many of us spend much of our lives chasing those moments. Imagine being able to intentionally create and craft these moments within your relationships, dynamics, and your Leather and kink experience. In this session, Beast and echo will share their approach to curating these moments and provide the tools necessary for you to take the lead in crafting moments that matter to you.
2:15 - 3:30pm
 Cultivating Connection through mutually respectful communication skills - Sander T Jones
 From the book Cultivating Connection, the author will teach the essentials of mutually respectful communication, collaborative conflict resolution, and the most important factors in creating and maintaining deep emotional bonds. We'll look at how we balance that with keeping a clear individual identity and strong self-respect and self-esteem. We'll also discuss how interpersonal power is always present in relationships, how it's best to recognize it, openly acknowledge it, learn its positive uses, how it can be abused, how to actively step back from opportunities to abuse power, and some skills for protecting ourselves from abuses of power. Knowing how to respond to interpersonal power is the core of relationship ethics. Learning these skills will enable us to negotiate relationship agreements ethically, and how to get to the deeper level of resolving painful emotions when in conflict. These skills are useful in egalitarian relationships and power dynamic relationships. After the Q&A, you'll leave with concrete skills for keeping your relationships healthy, happy, and mutually respectful.
2:15 - 3:30pm
Adaptable Aftercare for All - Evie Lupine
 Aftercare is a common buzzword in BDSM circles, and many myths surround the practice. Is aftercare only for really intense kink scenes? Does it always look like cuddles, chocolate, and a juice box? What’s the truth about aftercare and sex? In this class with Evie Lupine, we’ll be breaking down these stereotypes, as well as talking about ways to make an effective aftercare plan even if you’ve never done kink before. We’ll discuss the mechanics behind aftercare, how to make it work better for you, and how your headspace in-scene can change your aftercare needs. Even if you’re not super kinky, there’s something in this class for you as well. As we’ll discover, aftercare is for everyone! And it carries many benefits for everyday life and vanilla sex, too.
4:00 - 5:15pm
Staying in It - Remaining Present During Conflict in Authority Exchange Relationships - Tomo
Humans often react to conflict, attack, or stress with a fight, flight, or freeze response. In this class, Tomo will offer the concept from a martial arts principle of remaining present in conflict, applied specifically to relationships that exchange authority. Being present without fight, flight, or freeze during stressful situations including conflict can help us be more centered with a goal of resolution. Using a simple hand technique which will be practiced in the class, we will all feel and experience the magic of “staying in it” in our bodies, minds, and hearts.
4:00 - 5:15pm
CRYBABY: Dacryphilia, Crying Kink & Fetish, and Catharsis Play - Apollo
Crying is a response most people are not unfamiliar with during play... but what about those with a crying fetish: dacryphilia? What is the science behind and motivation for being attracted to and aroused by tears? From a sadistic place to a compassionate one, there is more to explore about our tears than we realize. Learn all about crying, how to incorporate tears more purposefully into scenes, and catharsis play -- a form of edge play
7:00 - 8:15pm
 Baskin Robbins Submission: 31 Flavors - lily
 In the world of kink, there are as many flavors of submission as individuals. This discussion reviews different styles of submission. Bring your questions and thoughts and we’ll discuss how to feel confident shopping the buffet of BDSM. Are your flavors service and brat? Or maybe leather and worship? Perhaps a little bit of ageplay with a sprinkle of romance? Whatever your style, you’ll get ideas on how to zest submission with your own twist.
7:00 - 8:15pm
 Burnout: The art of having longevity in the lifestyle - Jessica Noir
 Whether we are in it for kink, BDSM, Leather or all of the above, the lifestyle can be exciting and consuming. How do we sustain ourselves so that we can enjoy the journey? In this class we will explore the impact of frenzy, service, privilege and life beyond our predilections and how they impact our ability to sustain long term participation in the lifestyle. We are still reeling from the collective trauma we experienced during the pandemic. What’s next? What did we learn? How do we make sure being in this community remains healthy, enjoyable and sustainable?
9:30 - 10:45am
 Changing Lanes: from right to LEFT - Lady Sa'Vage
 Changing Lanes: from right to LEFT is my story on how I misidentified for almost 10 years. When people come into the BDSM lifestyle, many are quick to pick an identity without learning what it is and who they really are. This class will take you through my learning process, the good, the bad and the truly ugly as I got to learn who sasha was (the submissive) and who Lady Sa'Vage is (the Dominant). As well as finding my tribe and becoming comfortable in my skin and not allowing others to determine who or what I am. 
9:30 - 10:45am
Me Dom, you sub... now what? - Darcy
 You've figured out that you're a dominant. Or you've figured out that you're a submissive. Maybe you've realized you like both and you're a switch. Congratulations! But that's not the end of it. What does being a dominant or a submissive mean to you? What do you want your D/s relationship(s) to look like? Master Cecil and Darcy will offer some thoughts on different styles of relationships, the needs of different types of dominants and submissives, and how to get those needs met in the real world.
11:15 - 12:30pm
  Aural Attunement - DaKollector
 Do you know how to use music and sound effectively in a BDSM scene? Let's talk about the importance of sound as a kink implement. Let's discuss how rhythm transforms and moves a scene. How certain songs affect the Atmosphere you are trying to create. How music and sound affects both tops and bottoms in a scene. And what types of sounds can be used in kink play
11:15 - 12:30pm
 It's Okay Not To Be Okay - Master Bear
 This class is designed to help communicate and explore emotions in any relationship with loss or gains. Every day will not be a good day. Every discussion will not go well. And that’s okay. How about we talk about that?
2:15 - 3:30pm
The "Ism" Schism: Airing out the Dirty Case of Bias and Intersectionality - Meeka Amarillo-Roja
All rise, Court is in session. It's not about Guilty or Innocent. Maybe you have seen it, Maybe you have lived it. "-isms” are the behavioral manifestation of bias, conscious or unconscious, that reinforce oppression and inequities in our community. This "hearing" will look at case study of 4 "ism's" that greatly impact what it is that we do: Sizeism, Ageism, Ableism, and Classism. Will you Object?! or will we come to a civil understanding?
2:15 - 3:30pm
Writing your Owners Manual on either side of the slash - Sir Edgar & slave raven
Why is it important for both sides to write one? What you should include? The owners manual is a deep reflection of ourselves and what we need ( this can either be a stand alone class or an intensive )
4:00 - 5:15pm
Getting Restorative Justice Right - BabaCake
This workshop will review the basics of restorative justice practice and theory applied to BDSM communities and review common mistakes and breakdowns in the process to help participants recognize misuse and abuse of restorative processes and facilitate successful implementation of restorative justice in kinky communities. Participants are encouraged to bring their questions and discuss their experiences with restorative processes.
4:00 - 5:15pm
So what if it’s a phase? TNG & M/s - slave chy & Master Castle
Let’s talk about the struggles of being considered TNG ( the next generation) while maintaining a healthy M/s dynamic. We will discuss the stereotypes surrounding being part of the TNG crowd. How the introductory to kink has changed over the generations. What things might be able to be done to help bridge the gap between generations and the unique challenges of competing for a title while being a part of the next generation.
Saturday 7:00 - 8:15pm
Beginner BDSM - Role of the Sir & Boi - Getting Started - Sir pup henry
Starting out as either a New Sir, or New boi - how to manage, the basics of a great future. What are the Protocols, guidelines, ideas on how to make it successful? Internet and porn are poor guides to a successful relationship. And while short stories can provide a guide - they miss critical aspects of connection, trust, communication. So, come learn about yourself, your iterests and how to connect with another "kinky" minded person. Start off right with a good foundation and have fun.
7:00 - 8:15pm
 The Egalitarian Monogamist and Other Embarrassing Identities: A Study of Stigma within the BDSM Community - Jen
 Despite the increasing popularity of BDSM imagery, erotica, and activities, BDSM practitioners still face substantial stigma from those outside the community. Unknown thus far, however, is whether practitioners also face stigma within the community due to their interests in certain activities and relationships. This presentation will begin with a review of past research on stigma and the impact it has on individuals and organizations. We will then share the results of our latest study that examined which BDSM interests, activities, dynamics, and relationship styles BDSM practitioners would be hesitant to disclose to others within the BDSM community. These findings provide insight into another potential source of stigma faced by BDSM practitioners: the BDSM community itself.